Teachers can comfortably take history classes to the forefront of academic syllabus in schools after the inauguration of the long-awaited Louvre museum in Abu Dhabi.
To be proud of one’s culture doesn’t essentially mean to know one’s roots. Not everyone is aware of their or others cultural heritage, feel a...
For years, learning in schools has been equated to memorising. The more facts your brain can memorise, the smarter you are. But while all the ‘smart students’ can safely say that they ‘know’ or ‘can answer’ the facts correctly, can they also confidently say that they’ve understood or learned...
A good leadership is one of the most indicative qualities of a good school. Take a look at the good schools around you, and what is evident is a startling correlation between school leadership and student achievement. Call him the headmaster, head teacher, chancellor, dean or simply the head,...