To get the most of your revision time and get the best grades possible, you need to hone your learning skills in a much more refined manner. Most importantly though, you need to be mentally ready to be prepared for exams.

Whether you have an exam to take or a homework to hand to your teacher, getting your mind in that zen stage will be a necessity to bolster information your mind is likely to soak up a day before the big day comes.

Taking some balanced steps will help control the way you do things and hopefully eliminate exam anxiety.

Here are 5 tips to help pave your learning path:

1.    Space your time

In order to utilize the hours studying for the exams more competently, one will have to spread out the revision session rather than cram them together in an attempt of crash coursing everything as a way to  “save time”. You will consequently spend less time revising and ultimately have better memory recall remembering even the little unimportant details during your revising session.

2.    Fail to succeed

That does not necessarily mean you have to fail numerous times in order to become immune. Instead of trying to ace the course, invest a little more time understanding the ins and outs, figure things out that might give you that “Aha” moment hence maximizing the learning experience in the long run.

3.    Practice, practice, practice

As the illustrious Mr. Miyagi from the Karate Kid (Movie) would say: “wax on, wax off”. It’s one way of retaining information that you studied. Our brains tend to remember information that forms a memorable pattern. Even though our memory recalls the whimsical stuff using a durable technique that will help our long-term memory input meaningful and memorable information from being dumped or forgotten.

4.    Structuring the info

Repetition and rehearsal of information enhance a process called consolidation, a process by which memories are moved from temporary storage in the hippocampus (a small structure within the brain) to a more permanent place known as the cortex. The better the alignment of information is in your brain, the much pertinent your brain will be in fetching information when needed.

5.    Rest

Giving your body some sleep is as important as maintaining a good healthy diet or exercising regimen to help maintain a good health, energy, learning, and memory recall. Getting some rest will help give you the human body the full potential of creativity which will consequently help you learn new skills or retain information. A full night sleep is needed.


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